Saturday, August 1, 2009


Shiela Farziana
We had difficulties getting started on this project as most of the parameters such as weight and height were of sensitive context. But once we had that settled, we worked together as a team to get the task at hand done. As with all group work, we did encounter certain disagreements yet we managed to overcome them and carry on with our project efficiently. Through this project, I learnt the benefits of using statistics and will definitely implement it in my future research and projects. I had fun carrying out all those measurements and overall, had a fruitful experience. =P

Rina Dashim Shah
This whole experience has been an enriching one. As a group, we tried, learned and used SPSS and discovered many of its functions which aided us in our hypothesis testing. Learning and experiencing this would not only be beneficial in my education but also in the future when I enter the real world.

Chan Weisiang Jason
From this project, I’ve learnt that the collection of data requires a lot of manpower, time and most importantly patience. It is a tiring process and it doesn’t help that some respondents get a little cranky as they find that revealing their weight or height is a tad too sensitive. This project also teaches me to let the results do the talking even though our hypothesis may not be supported by the results.

Lee Haoming Kenneth
This project has taught me that in whatever we do, it is very important to start off on the right foot. Setting clear objectives would make it easier to know direction in which we're heading. In this case, setting the right hypothesis was the first step. Even then, what happens in reality might not be what we expected theoretically, as demonstrated when our statistical findings were not in accordance with our expectations based on our literature review. We just have to learn to take things as they come and go with the flow, and strive on till the end.
Learning to use SPSS was not easy, but the applications of SPSS are undeniably vast. The knowledge of SPSS is definitely useful to have.
On the whole, it was an enriching experience, and I hope that we managed to spread the "Healthy Lifestyle" message through this project.

Tay Yi Xiang
I had an enjoyable experience doing this project while learning a lot from it. Stats can be fun and useful when conducting meaningful research. A lot of hard work was put into this project by all the group members who had to analyze the data collected and also research on the topic. We hope that by reading this blog, you will be able to appreciate statistics and learn more about BMI and Blood Pressure.

Sim Wei Yow
Besides knowing more in dept about the topic our group had researched on. I’ve learned that coming out with a simple hypothesis isn’t a simple task at all! Accuracy in the collection of the data is very essential. Although we faced problems at the initial phase but we found our way after seeking advice from professionals in the field. I’ve also learnt to work in a team better and more efficiently. I hope that through this statistics project, we could achieve our objectives and the findings could be useful to anyone who had read it. Thank you.